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Pregnant this Summer? Here are 8 Ways to Beat the Heat

Pregnant this Summer? Here are 8 Ways to Beat the Heat

Summertime is officially here, and while this season brings tons of fun in the sun for many, it can create some discomfort for those who are pregnant this summer. Taking care of yourself while pregnant can be a challenge in and of itself, but powerful UV rays and hot temperatures can create an even higher risk of health issues, like dehydration, heatstroke, and more. To help keep you comfortable and safe while pregnant this summer, we’re sharing our top tips to help you beat the heat. 

Sip on something cold 

While alcoholic beverages are out of the question this summer, it doesn’t mean you have to miss out on all of the fun drinks of summer. Get crafty with some summer mocktails, enjoy some freshly squeezed lemonade, or cool down with a smoothie or slushie. Lowering your internal temperature is a great way to find relief on sweltering days. Even finding time to enjoy a popsicle can provide a quick moment of reprieve.

Relax in the pool

Spending time in the pool is a staple activity that you don’t have to miss out on just because you’re pregnant this summer. In fact, you may find that pool time is even more relaxing, as being weightless in the water helps take pressure off of your feet and lower back. 

Don’t forget the sunscreen

While time spent at the pool is a great way to beat the heat when you’re pregnant this summer, be sure not to skip the SPF! In many women, pregnancy increases sun sensitivity, making pregnant women more susceptible to sunburns and sunspots. While spending time and tanning outdoors is generally considered safe during pregnancy, it’s essential that you take the proper sun care precautions.

Wear lightweight clothing

Summertime is the perfect season to wear loose-fitting, breathable clothes like flowing dresses, skirts, and tops. Not only do these styles align with the summer trends, but they’re also readily available in the maternity section. 


Increased water consumption is recommended for just about everyone during the hot summer months, and this includes pregnant women. Staying hydrated helps regulate your body temperature, keep your systems functioning properly and flush out any toxins. During pregnancy, drinking enough water helps ​​form amniotic fluid, produce extra blood, build new tissue, and carry nutrients to your growing baby. Stay cool and healthy by prioritizing your hydration.


The sun can drain you of your energy, and if you’re pregnant this summer, you have probably already noticed a decrease in your normal energy levels. Take time to rest this summer, especially during the hottest parts of the day. Elevating your feet can help reduce swelling and restore some of your energy. 

Enjoy the fresh fruits and vegetables

Eating well is essential to a healthy pregnancy, and one of the best parts of the summer season is the abundance of fruits and vegetables. Create a refreshing salad with seasonal produce, enjoy a newly harvested watermelon, or create a juicy (and hydrating) fruit salad and indulge in all of the summer flavors.

Plan your physical activities 

Getting regular exercise throughout your pregnancy is recommended, but hot summertime temperatures can have an impact on your routine. Take advantage of the longer days by waking up early and getting some exercise in the morning while the temperatures are still mild. Staying physically active can have numerous benefits, including better sleep and improved mood.

Contact Raleigh OB/GYN Centre

At Raleigh OB/GYN Centre, we offer a full range of obstetrical care from preconception to delivery. We have offered state-of-the-art care for mothers, daughters, and now granddaughters since 1974 and have since grown to three locations to best serve our patients in Raleigh, North Carolina. For more information about how to stay cool while pregnant this summer or to schedule an appointment with our team of dedicated providers, call 919-875-8225.